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    Facebook down: Site and app stops showing photos as users also report issues with WhatsApp and instagram

    Facebook down:  Site and app stops showing photos as users also report issues with WhatsApp.

    The Facebook site and the company's instagram application on Tuesday morning for a sudden disruption prevented a large number of users from being able to access the two social networks worldwide from desktop and mobile applications.

    The site left a message on its homepage: "Sorry, something went wrong, we are working on the error, and we are going back to work as soon as possible."

    "There has already been a problem with the network in the world, and we are working on it to get things back as quickly as possible," a Facebook spokesman told ABC News. "#FacebookDown is the world's most widely used Twitter .

    It is noteworthy that «Facebook» is subjected to periods of hacking attempts by hackers, by discovering a number of technical gaps, while the network, at the same time, the financial rewards of engineers programmers, who discover those gaps.

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